NIEM XML Model Viewer
Grid-ML helps business analysts and software developers build applications that work with the NIEM data standards. Grid-ML provides easy navigation through the NIEM data model structures and fast searching into data point names, type definitions, schema comments, and controlled vocabularies. Once found, the data path and its definition can be easily copied and pasted into any document or spreadsheet.

NIEM, IEPD, and Custom Schemas
Grid-ML supports all NIEM XML Model versions. It comes pre-loaded with versions 1.0, 2.1, 3.2, 4.2, and 5.0. It also allows you to load other NIEM versions, IEPD Exchange Schemas, as well as your own custom XML schemas.
Search across multiple schemas at once, see how a data point is represented in the standard schemas and compare that with your own internal schemas.
Search across multiple namespaces, such as your target IEPD Exchange Schema, a NIEM Domain, or an external schema. Quickly find what you are looking for without having to deal with dozens of source files.
Data Dictionary Search
Grid-ML generates a complete NIEM XML Data Dictionary directly from the schemas and allows you search and view the data descriptions and type definitions.
Type in a search term and immediately see all the elements, attributes, types, and enumerated values that contain that term. Select a search result to see all the locations where it occurs. Navigate through the locations to see related items and detailed documentation.
Narrow down your search by selecting the schema subset you are interested in, based on your target Information Exchange Document (IEP).
XPath and NIEM JSONPath
Once you find the item you are looking for, you can copy its path in XPath or JSONPath.
The XPath notation supports the creation of XSL-T templates, whereas the JSONPath object notation facilitates the development of interfaces and transformations using languages such as JavaScript, TypeScript, and Python.
The NIEM JSONPaths created with Grid-ML are compatible with the JSON-LD (JSON for Linking Data) spec used by NIEM.
NIEM Extensions Points
Grid-ML allows you search for extension points and substitution groups and to drill down into the available substitutions.
Grid-ML automatically resolves the NIEM Extension Points and places the augmentation elements inline where they belong. That allows users to easily understand and visualize all the data structures, without having to deal with the underlying technical details.
Grid-ML shows all the details related to element and attribute extensions, including: allowed namespaces, schema validation modes, type substitution rules, and derivation restrictions. That gives users all the information they need to take full advantage of the extension capabilities of the NIEM models.
NIEM Domains
Grid-ML has full support for the NIEM XML standard domains and community schemas, including:
- Agriculture
- Biometrics
- CBRN - Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Domain
- Child, Youth, and Family Services
- Emergency Management
- Human Services
- Immigration
- Infrastructure Protection
- Intelligence
- International Trade
- JXDM - Justice XML Data Model
- Maritime
- Military Operations
- DHS Screening
- Surface Transportation
External Standards
Grid-ML also supports NIEM adapters and external schemas, including:
- OASIS Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) Hospital AVailability Exchange (HAVE)
- OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)
- OGC® Geography Markup Language (GML)
- ISO/TS 19139:2007 Geographic MetaData XML (gmd)
- W3C XML Linking Language (XLink)