Schema Diff and Compare

Instantaneously compare XML and OpenAPI schemas of any size and see all the differences in a simple, searchable view.

Schema Diff and Compare

Interactive Diff Report

Grid-ML simplifies the process of comparing schemas and analyzing the impact of changes.
Grid-ML distills the schema source file differences into a clean, interactive diff report that makes it easy for you to understand what changed. You can filter the list of differences by item name, item definition, or type of change to quickly find the changes that matter to your project.

Schema Diff Compare
XSD schema comparison

Element and Attribute Comparison

Use the intuitive color-coded layout to easily identify items added and removed, as well as those that have not changed.

Side-by-side Definitions Diffing

View differences in the definition of elements, attributes, types, and enumerated values. See old and new annotations side-by-side to quickly spot what changed.

Compare XML annotations
Compare XML enumerated values and facets

Enumeration Changes

See changes to enumerated values at a glance. Simply select an element to view the changes to its list of enumerated values and their definitions.

Grid-ML XML Schema Viewer

high performance

An easy-to-use online tool for viewing, searching, and comparing XML schemas.