Schema Viewer
Explore complex XML Schemas and OpenAPI Data Structures with an easy-to-navigate columnar view.

Efficient Navigation
Grid-ML is optimized to allow you to quickly and efficiently move around the schema hierarchy. Drill down into the data structure and explore each item in context. Move to any node in the data structure with just a few clicks.
See which elements can be used together and in what order they must appear. Check out the minimum and maximum number of occurrences of each element and which attributes are required or optional.

Definitions, Types
and Enumerated Values
Grid-ML automatically displays the data item definition, the type details, and the enumerated values as you navigate through the schema.
Understand element and attribute usage
See all properties that govern the usage of each element and attribute, including their default values.
Explore the type semantics
See the complete type ancestry for any component and use that to find related elements and sub-types.
Jump to Related Info
Click on "Search" to load the target item on the Search screen and see where else it occurs in the schema. Grid-ML also converts any URL references in the definitions into live links that allows you to jump directly to their source website.
Schema Extensions Support
Grid-ML helps you visualize and understand advanced schema extension features such as abstract elements, substitution groups, and type redefinitions. View element and attribute extension points. See attribute and element wildcards along with their allowed namespaces. See abstract elements and available substitutions inline.

Automatic XPath and JSONPath Generation
Grid-ML automatically builds the XPath and JSONPath as you navigate through the schema. Once you find the desired item, simply copy and paste its path into your target specification or source code. Copy the full path or only the item name, with or without the associated definition. Paste path and definition into adjacent cells in Excel with one click.